Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Feb 11 2025 - Feb 18 2025
- Time: All of the day
Colibri Spirit Festival x Uni Retreats
To find out all the information about our retreats!
February 11th - Tuesday
- Morning gathering in Rio de Janeiro and 2-hour road trip to the mountains of Itaipava – Akasha Retreat Center.
- Evening purification – sweat lodge in the Lakota tradition.
February 12th - Wednesday
- Morning introductions and integration circle.
- Evening Traditional Yawanawa Uni Ceremony, chants, dances, and prayers. Medicines of Uni (ayahuasca), Rapé (tobacco snuff), and Sananga (eye drops).
February 13th - Thursday
- Cultural/spiritual activities in the afternoon.
February 14th - Friday
- Cultural/spiritual activities in the morning.
- Evening Traditional Yawanawa Uni Ceremony, chants, dances, and prayers. Medicines of Uni (ayahuasca), Rapé (tobacco snuff), and Sananga (eye drops).
February 15th - Saturday
- Cultural/spiritual activities in the afternoon.
February 16th - Sunday
• Cultural/spiritual activities in the morning
• Evening Traditional Yawanawa Uni Ceremony, chants, dances and prayers. Medicines of Uni (ayahuasca), Hapé (tobacco snuff) and Sananga (eye drops).
February 17th - Monday
- Afternoon integration circle.
- Evening Drum Circle and Songs of the Lakota Tradition.
February 18th - Tuesday
- Afternoon 2-hour road trip to Rio de Janeiro and Galeão International Airport.
* Please note the program is subject to changes.
In addition to the ceremonies the retreat will also include:
Spiritual teachings, traditional activities, hapé (tobacco snuff,
storytelling circles, face and body paintings, herbal sauna,
daily breakfast, lunch and dinner.
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Was one of the first to achieve the highest spiritual initiations of the Yawanawa after the domination by religious missionaries in Yawanawa lands. Today Matsini leads the younger generations to a blossom in their culture and spirituality.

Mukanawa is son of Chief Matsini from Mutum village. Although still a child, he has completed deep spiritual initiations of his people, spiritual diets that take months and is being trained to be a future leader of the Yawanawa. It is very impressive how well he can sing the songs of the Uní ceremony and how many he knows, including with the guitar. Mukanawa is a child but really count as an adult in the leading of the ceremonies.

Keneihu is a young Yawanawá from Mutum village, daughter of Chief Matsini. Keneihu is very skilled on the guitar, has a beautiful and strong voice typical of Yawanawá women, and has been preparing to represent her people spiritually following the traditional Yawanawá training.

Matsa is daughter of the chief of the Mutum Village, Matsini. Matsa has just turned 18 years old and follows the steps of her sisters Kene Tsaini, Kenemani, and Keneweci, who have a very strong voice and presence in ceremonies. Although younger she is very much like her sisters, standing out when she sings and plays.

Shauma is son of the great Yawanawa chief Biraci Nixiwaká and is also part of the young generation of Yawanawa spiritual representatives who are studying their tradition in a profound way and thus guaranteeing their protection in the strongest way possible, which is by means of their culture and spirituality. Shane Yuve is a great musician and among the main individuals of Mutum Village Matsini can count on when he conducts their ceremonies.

Keneihu is a young Yawanawá from Mutum village, daughter of Chief Matsini. Keneihu is very skilled on the guitar, has a beautiful and strong voice typical of Yawanawá women, and has been preparing to represent her people spiritually following the traditional Yawanawá training.

Mukanawa is son of Chief Matsini from Mutum village. Although still a child, he has completed deep spiritual initiations of his people, spiritual diets that take months and is being trained to be a future leader of the Yawanawa. It is very impressive how well he can sing the songs of the Uní ceremony and how many he knows, including with the guitar. Mukanawa is a child but really count as an adult in the leading of the ceremonies.