Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 04 2024 - May 11 2024
- Time: 07:00 - 17:00
To find out all the information about our retreats!
May 4th - Saturday
• Morning gathering in Rio de Janeiro and 2 hour road trip to the mountains of Itaipava – Akasha Retreat Center.
• Afternoon: program introduction and indigenous leaders presentation.
• Evening: Purification – Inipi (sweatlodge) in the Lakota tradition.
May 5th – Sunday
• Morning: Face painting for protection.
• Afternoon: Integration circle.
• Evening: Traditional Yawanawa Uni Ceremony.
May 6th - Monday
• Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities.
May 7th - Tuesday
• Morning or Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities.
• Afternoon-Evening: Traditional Yawanawa Uni Ceremony.
May 8th - Wednesday
• Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities
May 9th - Thursday
• Morning or Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities
• Evening: Traditional Yawanawa Uni Ceremony.
May 10th - Friday
• Afternoon: Closing integration circle.
• Evening: Drum Circle and Songs of the Lakota Tradition.
May 11th - Saturday
• Afternoon: 2 hour road trip to Rio de Janeiro airports or city.
* Please note the program is subject to changes.
In addition to the ceremonies the retreat will also include:
– Spiritual teachings
– Traditional activities
– Hapé (tobacco snuff)
– Storytelling circles
– Herbal sauna
– Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Click the link to sign up:

Rasu is grandson of the great medicine man and xinaya Tata Txanu Natasheini, who was one of the greatest wise men of the people. Rasu was raised and chosen by Tata to be his successor and he currently has a very important role in the Mutum village, leading the ceremonies and its organization alongside Chief Matsini. Rasu has a powerful voice and is a very talented musician and representative of the Yawanawá people, who fluently speaks the Yawanawá language and completed the highest initiation of the Muká diet.

Tenewa is an elder of the Mutum village, one of the most experienced who completed the highest initiation of the Yawanawá, the muká diet alongside chief Matsini. He was one the main assistants of the legendary Yawanawá chief Tuin Kuru, Putanny’s father and learned much from him. Tenewã has a vast knowledge of the plants and how they must be used in connection with the various diseases and spiritual needs. He will lead our retreat with Rasu and will bring the ancestral energy of the Yawanawá people.

Tsatsa Wanu Yawanawá é filha do grande pajé e xinaya Tatá Txanu Natasheini, que foi um dos maiores sábios do povo. Tatá dedicou toda sua vida à espiritualidade e foi um grande professor das rezas, cantos e shenipahu (histórias tradicionais) Yawanawá. Tsatsa Wanu cuidou de seu pai e o acompanhou por toda sua vida, e é uma grande guardiã e seus conhecimentos junto de sua família e filhos, como o jovem Rasu, neto que Tatá escolheu para zelar profundos ensinos. Tsatsa também é uma das maiores artistas do povo. Possui uma potente e incrível voz, é uma grande conhecedora e intérprete dos cantos, além de talentosíssima pintora dos kenes (desenhos sagrados) Yawanawá.

Xikuvimi is Rasu’s cousin and chief Matsini’s niece, has completed spiritual diets of the Yawanawá people and is one of the representatives of the young generation of the Mutum Village. She has a powerful and beautiful voice and sings both the traditional chants and the ones with the instruments.

Yka é a filha do meio dos principais líderes políticos e espirituais do povo Yawanawa, o cacique Biraci Nixiwaka e Putanny. Desde muito jovem, Ykashahu tem seguido os passos de seus pais, e viaja pelo Brasil e exterior representando a cultura de seu povo. Considerada uma das maiores cantoras de sua aldeia, ela representa a talentosa geração mais jovem dos Yawanawa, trazendo a incrível força feminina da floresta

TuiKuru is also one of the few men from the younger generation of the Yawanawa who committed to the sacred Samakai (diet), their highest spiritual initiation and Tuin Kuru leads Nova Esperança Village with his cousin Isku Kua. He is a nephew of chief Nixiwaka and brother of Peû, being one of the most talented musicians and guitar players of the Yawanawa people. Tuin Kuru has profound knowledge of the traditional plants and is a craftsman that sets new trends among his people. Moreover, he is a Yura Keneia, a great painter of Yawanawa sacred designs. After ten years, Tuin Kuru returns to Rio de Janeiro to take part in this very special retreat.

Kene Tsaini is daughter of the chief Matsini of the Mutum Village. Kene Tsaini is a young leader of the Yawanawa and has been representing his people in ceremonies around the world pursuant to her deep study of the Yawanawa tradition. Kene Tsaini has a very powerful voice, also an excellent guitar player, and marks a strong presence in the ceremonies.

Anihu is Rasu’s brother and is one of the main supports that Rasu counts on in his works in his conduction of the ceremonies and works at the Mutum Village. He is a great singer and representative of the young generation of the Yawnawá people.

Natashãini is son of Rasu and Turuyumê and among the Yawanawa children being
raised in their tradition since they were born, a privilege the generation
of their grandparents did not have due to the domination of the protestants.
The raining of their children in the tradition is the hope of the continuity
of the Yawanawá legacy.

Wakia Un Manee is a full blooded Klamath/Modoc native of North America, medicine man, sundancer and leader of the Vision Quest and Inipi (Sweat Lodge) ceremony. From a young age he was brought up with the Lakota and Ojibway, so his work has been largely influenced by the traditions and culture of these two nations. Wakia graduated in psychology and political sciences and also studied theology. He founded and developed non-profit charitable organizations within various communities. As an activist, Wakia stood on the front lines, fought and defended the rights of native peoples, as well as environmental and ecological issues. His work is focused on empowering people to recognize and understand their own capabilities.

Adriana Ocelot is a medicine woman, sweat lodge leader, sun dancer in Tamoanchan ñ Mexico and Crow Dog’s Paradise – USA, leader of Vision Quest,moon dancer at Ollintlahuimeztli in Teotihuacan – México. Guardian of a RedMoon Temple for women’s retreats, healer in traditional native technique and in the use of medicinal plants.