Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 26 2024 - Feb 02 2024
- Time: 06:00 - 16:00
To find out all the information about our retreats!
Jan 26th - Friday
- Morning gathering in Rio de Janeiro and 2 hour road trip to the mountains of Itaipava -Akasha Retreat Center.
- Afternoon: program introduction and indigenous leaders presentation.
- Evening: Purification – Inipi (sweatlodge) in the Lakota tradition.
Jan 27th – Saturday
- Morning: Face painting for protection.
- Afternoon: Integration circle.
- Evening: Traditional Huni Kuin Nixi Pae Ceremony.
Jan 28th - Sunday
- Cultural/spiritual activities in the afternoon
Jan 29th - Monday
- Morning or Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities
- Afternoon-Evening: Traditional Huni Kuin Nixi Pae Ceremony.
Jan 30th - Tuesday
- Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities.
Jan 31st - Wednesday
- Morning or Afternoon: Cultural/spiritual activities
- Evening: Traditional Huni Kuin Nixi Pae Ceremony.
Feb 1st - Thursday
- Afternoon: Closing integration circle.
- Evening: Drum Circle and Songs of the Lakota Tradition.
Feb 2nd - Friday
- Afternoon: 2 hour road trip to Rio de Janeiro airports or city.
* Please note the program is subject to changes.
In addition to the ceremonies the retreat will also include:
– Spiritual teachings
– Traditional activities
– Hapé (tobacco snuff) Storytelling circles
– Face and body paintings
– Herbal sauna Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner
Click the link to sign up:

Ninawa Pai Da Mata is the Chief of the Novo Futuro Village, of the Huni Kuin people in Acre, Brazil and comes from an unbroken lineage of powerful spiritual leaders. Ninawa is one the main references of the Huni Kuin people due to the recognition in many countries of the world of his healing work through the medicine. He is also a superb musician, having composed very powerful medicine songs which he uses in his works as codes for assessing spiritual connections. As leader of his village Ninawa has been preparing the children to take on the role of representatives of his people,
a few of his sons and daughters already conduct ceremonies with him.

Tume Inka Buru is the wife of Ninawa Pai da Mata and is one of the leaders of women in the Huni Kuin Village Novo Futuro. Tume is a great artisan and master of the kenes of the Huni Kuin tradition and it is the first time that she is leaving the forest to share some of her knowledge with the world.

Txana Nui Huni Kuin is a young txaná (who sings the sacred songs) from Aldeia Novo Futuro. For the first time he is coming out of the forest to share his knowledge, prayers, traditional songs and songs with the instruments for the healing of humanity.

Biruani Siriani is a young Huni Kuin from Aldeia Novo Futuro and coordinator of the group of Txaná women (who sing sacred
songs) called Siriani. She was initiated into the diets of sacred plants in the village by her grandmother and has taken her prayers
to the world, such as some countries in Europe, India and also in some states of Brazil. Biruani is a young woman who sings traditional Huni Kuin songs and is a great musician.

Eldest son of Ninawa Pai da Mata, he hasaccompanied his father in ceremonies and activities at Aldeia Novo Futuro. Since 2018 he has been traveling with his father in ceremonies in Brazil and abroad. Shane is a musician recognized by the people and by those who have had contact with him.

Son of Ninawa Pai da Mata, he has been practicing the knowledge of prayer with medicine accompanied by his father and older brother in the forest. For the fourth time he is leaving the forest with Ninawa’s Huni Kuin group. Yube is a great youth artist from the Novo Futuro village.

Daughter of Ninawa, only 14 years old,she is already on the path of medicine and has surprised her father with her posture in rituals. Mukani is leaving the village for the second time to share her strength with the retreat participants.

Wakia Un Manee is a full blooded Klamath/Modoc native of North America, medicine man, sundancer and leader of the Vision Quest and Inipi (Sweat Lodge) ceremony. From a young age he was brought up with the Lakota and Ojibway, so his work has been largely influenced by the traditions and culture of these two nations. Wakia graduated in psychology and political sciences and also studied theology. He founded and developed non-profit charitable organizations within various communities. As an activist, Wakia stood on the front lines, fought and defended the rights of native peoples, as well as environmental and ecological issues. His work is focused on empowering people to recognize and understand their own capabilities.

Adriana Ocelot is a medicine woman, sweat lodge leader, sun dancer in Tamoanchan ñ Mexico and Crow Dog’s Paradise – USA, leader of Vision Quest,moon dancer at Ollintlahuimeztli in Teotihuacan – México. Guardian of a RedMoon Temple for women’s retreats, healer in traditional native technique and in the use of medicinal plants.